Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Probably Pointless Rambling

This has been one of the hardest things our family has ever gone through. Our almost divorce last year was close, but we all stayed together.  Here I am, 1400 miles away learning to be a teacher. My family is left in Olympia - packing the house, selling and giving away what we don't need and doing it with 2 little ones that miss mommy and feel like their lives are being uprooted. (Note: they are). I know that Katie feels the same way, but being a grown up and all sobbing every night is frowned upon.  Say what you will about "adventure" in many ways this sucks. I'm going to enter a classroom of underperforming 6th graders with 5 weeks of training.  We're going to try and live on a teacher's salary (plus a bit) when we were just living on a banker's salary.  Our children will go to public school in one of the lowest performing states in the country.  My beautiful wife, who has made a career of taking care of our home and family and teaching our children may be going back to school to teach someone else's children. I could have done this at home, quit my job, gone back to school, lived on a pittance and not had to navigate the systems of a new state. I have no answers and this blog really will have no conclusion, except to say that I'm one of the luckiest women in the world. I think most families would have never given up everything just to let me pursue a dream. Heck even Ramona's father went back to working at a grocery store.  Many times when you break a bone, it grows back stronger. So, here's to a full body cast.

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